08- Twenty Minutes Of Love
(41 MB)"Twenty Minutes Of Love" (1914)
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Charlie Chaplins 11th Film Released April 20 1914
This movie is part of the collection: Silent Films
Audio/Visual: sound, B/W
Keywords: Charlie Chaplin; Silents
Charlie Chaplin Biography
WIKI szerint:
Egész estés játékfilmek 1921 – A kölyök (The Kid) 1923 – A párizsi nő (A Woman of Paris) 1925 – Aranyláz (The Gold Rush) 1928 – Cirkusz (The Circus) 1931 – Nagyvárosi fények (City Lights) 1936 – Modern idők (Modern Times) 1940 – A diktátor (The Great Dictator) 1947 – Monsieur Verdoux 1952 – Rivaldafény (Limelight) 1957 – Egy király New Yorkban (A King in New York) 1967 – A hongkongi grófnő (A Countess from Hong Kong) Rövidfilmek 1914 Between Showers A Busy Day Caught in a Cabaret Caught in the Rain Cruel, Cruel Love Dough and Dynamite The Face on the Bar Room Floor The Fatal Mallet A Film Johnnie Gentlemen of Nerve Getting Acquainted Her Friend the Bandit His Favorite Pastime His Musical Career His New Profession His Prehistoric Past His Trysting Place Kid Auto Races at Venice The Knockout Laughing Gas Mabel at the Wheel Mabel's Busy Day Mabel's Married Life Mabel's Strange Predicament Making a Living The Masquerader The New Janitor The Property Man Recreation The Rounders The Star Boarder Tango Tangles Those Love Pangs Twenty Minutes of Love 1915 A bank (The Bank) Carmen (Charlie Chaplin's Burlesque on Carmen) Charlie, a szökevény (By the Sea) A bokszbajnok (The Champion) Charlie, a kellékes (His New Job) Újjászületés (His Regeneration) Charlie a parkban (In the Park) Charlie, a szökevény (A Jitney Elopement) Viharos éjszaka (A Night Out) Egy éjszaka a mulatóban (A Night in the Show) Charlie, a tengerész (Shanghaied) A csavargó (The Tramp) Charlie, a kisasszony (A Woman) Charlie, az inas (Work) 1916 Chaplin a filmstúdióban (Behind the Screen) A gróf (The Count) Chaplin, a tűzoltó (The Fireman) Az áruházi felügyelő (The Floorwalker) One A.M. The Pawnshop Charlie, a betörő (Police!) Chaplin korcsolyázik (The Rink) The Vagabond 1917 A szökött fegyenc (The Adventurer) Gyógyforrás (The Cure) Chaplin, a rendőr (Easy Street) A bevándorló / Az emigráns (The Immigrant) 1918 The Bond The Bond Chaplin, a katona (Shoulder Arms) Kutyaélet (A Dog's Life) Háromszoros baj (Triple Trouble) 1919 Egy nap boldogság / Idill a mezőkön (A Day's Pleasure) Az öröm napja (Sunnyside) 1921 Semmittevők (The Idle Class) 1922 A fizetés napja (Pay Day) 1923 A zarándok (The Pilgrim)
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